Monday, October 1, 2012


Fall is a great time here in Virginia. The leaves are changing and it is spectacularly beautiful!! Plus, the weather recently has been magical. It isn't normally this nice. For some reason we were blasted this summer with high heat, but are being rewarded thus far.
Woodstock Court House - the oldest court house in Virginia still in use
This past weekend, the Mr. and I were busy! We picked apples at Carter Mountain Orchard - Jonagolds and Fujis. It was really busy since it was the first weekend Fuji apples were available. We had a lot of fun and picked almost 24 lbs. of apples.

WHAT am I going to do with all those apples???

Y'all, I have plans... I'll post some recipes for apple dishes.
Baked Apples
We checked out our local grocier: C'ville Market 

C'ville Market has inexpensive fruits and veggies that are often produced by local farmers. You can also get coffee, wine, cheese, meat, etc.  We love going here for our vegetables! We picked up a whole bunch of root vegetables and some squash. I roasted an entire roasting pan FULL of these veggies. It should last us the entire week (I hope!).

Ben butterflied 2 chickens and rubbed them down with some Tex-Mex dry rub I made. He grilled them for a few hours yesterday. Paired with the roasted vegetables, it made for a great Sunday dinner. I wish I had pictures! We'll surely do it again and I'll make a post about how to properly grill chicken.

For the final cooking/baking adventure this weekend, my labmate Alex requested Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. I usually come through on birthday requests:
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Vanilla Cream Cheese frosting
For these, so far the verdict is YUM!

That was my weekend in food. How about yours? Eat anything interesting or great??

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