Thursday, August 30, 2012

What is this?

This blog will be devoted to food. The production, preparation, and consumption of food that not only tastes good, but is good for you. This does not exclude dessert. How could I not talk about dessert, I LOVE to bake!
Ben and me cutting the pies I made for our wedding (wineberry shown)

Here you will find tips on growing your own vegetables and even raising your own animals for meat. Also, I will review recipes I come across, teach you techniques, and help you be more comfortable cooking, baking, and grilling. People are often telling me I need to teach them how to cook/bake. Well, this is me sending out a helping hand.

At the end of each post, I hope to bring a little science into the mix. My dad used to always tell me cooking/baking wasn't rocket science; but, there is a lot of science behind the food. It is why some flavors work well together and why pie crust can be flaky!

My husband and I are devoted to eating well. (I, more often than he, will indulge in some bad eating. Don't judge!) We raise our own chicken for meat, have a backyard garden, and buy other meats and vegetables from local farmers. Join me in the buy fresh, buy local movement and change your life for the better!
Roasted chicken (we raised) with roasted root vegetables

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